Kia ora Ezra

Ezra Whyle 

Born: 5/7/2021

Weighing: 9.11 pounds

Home Birth

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Let’s start with something light…Did you experience leg cramps in pregnancy? A few times, usually in bed after stretching.

Ok, now let’s get in to it! Paint a picture for us - When did you know you were in labour and it wasn’t a false alarm? When did your waters break? We were 41+2 days overdue and the day before Sim and I were pretty keen for him to arrive. We tried all of the old wives tales - walked around the block, spicy food for dinner, pineapple. At about 2:45 in the morning I felt a contraction but I assumed it was a Braxton Hicks, carried on sleeping and at 4 am walked to the bathroom and my waters broke! From there I called my midwife who said she thought I was in labour and to try and get some more rest. I tried to go back to bed but the contractions were already in full swing - about 3 minutes apart lasting 1 minute.

Did you have an idea in your head/or were told something in antenatal classes that gave you a misconception of how a labour should progress, but then yours tracked differently? I went to an opti-Mum antenatal class and I felt that it prepared me well for labour and birth, giving tips of keeping my voice low, and preparing the room with smells and low lighting to kept me calm and led my labour to go as well as it did.

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Did you make a birth plan? Are there any things you really wanted for your birth or was the main goal just to get baby out? We planned a waterbirth at home - I felt confident in a hospital seen as though I work in one as a nurse but was really keen to have him at home. As we approached week 42 I thought I was going to have to get induced and felt disappointed if that was going to be the reality but we didn’t and it actually all went to plan! We had my mum and Simeon’s sister come down as part of the plan and it was great having the support there and take the load of everyday life tasks as we navigated this new season of life!

Your first baby was a home birth, how was the experience at home having a natural birth? Oh my gosh, I loved having a homebirth! I used a tens machine for the first half of my labour and also water. Both of these were very helpful. We put a movie on, I was able to spend ages in the shower, it was nice that being in a familiar place that brought a peaceful environment. My midwife took a very hands off approach, no measuring and just letting my body do what it knew to do - that felt very empowering.

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You were a bit concerned about the birthing process, now having birthed your beautiful boy, do you think it was as hard as you thought it would be? In a way yes, someone told me that it was just as painful as having gallstones. I still think labour was more painful but there was an end to it. I knew it was going to end at some point and there was a purpose to the pain.

Is birth as painful as people tell you?  What does the pain of giving birth feel like? My word that I said over and over again was a low “ow”, ha! It is painful but extremely doable. I had great support with Simeon who would remind me to drink water, offer food (that I would refuse), gave me cold face cloths when I needed it. 

I even caught myself saying that I would do labour all over again to trade for a baby who was easier to get to sleep - haha!

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How did you feel when you held Ezra in your arms for the first time? I remember my legs shaking from all the adrenaline or shock or something and “holy crap I just did that!” He was amazing as he lay on my chest and lifted his head up to say hello. 

What is your best memory of your birth? This moment - Simeon and I just taking it all in together.

Anything you would do differently for your next birth? I feel so lucky that everything went to plan for my birth, I know that for so many it doesn’t. I am so glad that I did end up choosing a home birth for my first babe.

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Thank you for sharing your experience of labour and birth with us Bri. Ezra is a blessed babe to have you and Simeon as parents!